Sermon Series – Summer in the Psalms

We are holistic beings. Not just cognitive. Not just emotional. We are creatures made up of beliefs that shape our desires. These desires dictate the trajectory of our lives. If we Christians are characterized by the gospel, then a complete receiving of God’s grace will affect our whole selves–including our emotions, feelings, and desires.

No where else in the Bible do we see such a poetic expression of raw emotion than in the book of psalms. The songs are filled with moments of awe, anger, doubt, sadness, hope, and joy. All are responses to the the things of this life in light of the Glory of God. In other words, by connecting the dots between the psalmist’s feelings and the gospel story, we gain insight into God’s character and his relationship with us.

It’s important to know God for who he reveals himself to be through the Bible. Including the Psalms. This summer the Short North and Tri-Village congregations are walking through a handful of selected psalms that powerfully portray God’s relationship with his people. This series will refresh your senses and challenge you to let the gospel reform your beliefs and emotions.