Veritas Gathered: Preparing for Sunday – June 16th, 2013
So this week we are still in the book of Revelation. The text this week comes from Revelation 2:18-29 and is Jesus’ letter to the church of Thyatira. Again, like previous letter he commends the church on what good works they are doing for the gospel but lovingly rebukes them for that which is not coherent with gospel living. It is clear that Jesus loves the church, his bride, far too deeply to let them continue to live in sin and to live in ways that destroy them. Come to Veritas to hear Jesus’ loving call to repentance.
We begin each gathering with a call to worship reading. We do this because we are, by nature, worshiping beings who often turn our worship towards things other then God. Our hearts, souls, and minds need to continually be directed back to God. Even when we find ourselves in a place of not making emotional connections with God we must be obedient to his call to worship Him above all things. We must trust that He is faithful and that His spirit will cultivate joy in our souls as we obediently realign the inward posture of our hearts.
L: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! Give thanks to the God of gods. Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
C: His faithful love endures forever.
L: Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles. Give thanks to him who made the heavens so skillfully. Give thanks to him who placed the earth among the waters.
C: His faithful love endures forever.
L: Give thanks to him who made the heavenly lights—the sun to rule the day, and the moon and stars to rule the night. C: His faithful love endures forever.
-adapted from Psalm 136:1-9
Check out this list of some of the songs we will be singing together this week:
– “Warrior”, speaks of Jesus as our conquering king!
– “Death Has Lost Its Sting”, reminds us that in Christ we have life who has removed the eternal sting of death.
– “O Fount of Love”, is a gospel saturated song of praise and thanks.
– “Hail The King”, a newer song that puts to music the bold and wonderful truths of Romans 5.
Here is a link to a Spotify playlist.
Even though our arrangements might be slightly different, listen through these songs and see the great truths that they speak about our God and then come prepared to sing them out loudly and joyfully as a gathered church.
See you Sunday!
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