Incident Report
Last Updated: August 3, 2016 Contact: Katie ChowVeritas Kids – Incident Report
Team Lead (This form must be completed by the attending Team Lead) _______________________
Child’s Name _____________________________________________Birthdate ___ / ___ / ___
Father’s Name ______________________________________ Phone # (___) ______________
Mother’s Name _____________________________________ Phone # (___) ______________
Date of Incident ___ / ___ / ___
Describe the nature of the incident.
Was first aid administered? (Yes / No) If so, describe the care given.
Were any other children involved in the accident? If yes, what are their full names?
Was 911 called? (Yes / No) If so, what is the name of the attending physician? _________________
Names of Veritas Kids Volunteers who were present in the room: ___________________________
Were the parents informed the day of the incident? (Yes / No)
Was a follow up phone call made? (Yes / No) Date of the call ___ / ___ / ___
Signature of Team Lead on duty & Signature of Kids Ministry Director
Team Lead _______________________ Kids Ministry Director _________________________
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