Hilltop Night of Prayer & Praise
August 31, 2022 7:00 pm
West Building, 12 S Terrace Ave
On Wednesday, August 31 at 7:00 PM we are coming together with several area churches to pray for the Hilltop and praise God for what He is doing in our community. The event will be held at Veritas Community Church – West (12 S. Terrace Ave).
Prayer & praise bring people together like nothing else, so we are asking God to continue doing the work of unifying the churches of the Hilltop as we seek His presence and power to live out the gospel and seek the renewal of the city together in Jesus name.
There is much to pray for in our community. We are asking God to continue bringing racial healing, bring peace amid a violent society, bring freedom from addiction, prostitution and human trafficking, and to continue to build a healthy church family to support, care for, and welcomed at risk youth into the family of God. Within our beautiful & richly diverse community the nations of the world can be reached from our front porches. May God give us compassionate eyes to see and courageous feet to go where He has sent us!
There is also much to praise God about in our community! Because churches are unified like never before, people are coming to know Jesus and be baptized into local churches, neighbors are being set free from addiction, and we started the first christian school on the Westside of Columbus! We are asking God to work in us as He continues His worldwide mission to lift high the name of Jesus. Will you join us?!
If you are interested in being on our hospitality team that night please contact me.
Phil Shimer
West Lead Pastor
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