Idolatry, Baptism, Communion
We are idol factories; we make idols out of everything, even the good things that the Lord has given us. The Corinthians were turning baptism and communion into idols. What things or people are you making into idols? Take some time to really investigate the state of your heart, and ask your community to come around you as you struggle against idolatry.
Paul’s Example
In this part of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he addresses money and evangelism. Paul defends the belief that a pastor’s livelihood should come from his labor. Paul says he lays down this right, lest he put an obstacle before the gospel. Paul goes on to describe his approach to evangelism, how he has become all things to all people, in order that he might save some. We tend to fall on one of two sides in evangelism: contextualizers or contenders. We must find a balance between knowing the culture we are in while not compromising the gospel.
Knowledge Puffs Up, Love Builds Up
Our freedom in Christ is determined not only by what we know, but also by what others do not know. There is a fine line to be walked between legalism and liberty. Often, even in our freedom, we seek rules to support our convictions. Paul calls the Corinthians and the universal Church to walk in our godly freedom, but to not abuse it and put a stumbling block before our weaker brother or sister.
Singleness and Priorities
God created marriage that we would go and be fruitful. With Christ’s coming, we are able to be a fruitful in way that is different from procreating; we are able to make disciples. In this scripture, Paul preaches to the single Corinthians, urging them to secure their undivided devotion in the Lord. Single people tend to have much more time than married people. If single, have you been a waste of space, or a catalyst for the kingdom of God? Use the time which God has given you as a single person.
Stay a Slave
Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision matter; neither slavery now freedom matter, but only obedience to the Lord. Paul tells us that we should not be so eager to change our position after coming into communion with Christ. Instead, we should recognize that our identity is in Jesus, regardless of our position or status in the world.
True Marriage and Spirituality
Guest preacher Ryan Stanley breaks down Paul’s charge to the Corinthians in reference to their questions about divorce. As believers, it is our responsibility to be Christ to unbelievers. This means we do not give them what they deserve, just like Jesus did not give us the death we deserve. Instead, if a believer is married to an unbeliever, he should stay with his spouse, making the unbelieving spouse holy.
Marriage and Mission
In this section of 1 Corinthians, Paul gives the church a concession, not a command, to stay in the marital status they have. If you are single, it is God’s gift to you to do work for the kingdom, and if you are married, it is God’s gift to you. In both of these ways, God puts us in positions to bring glory to him and to experience him.
Sex Is So Good
In this section of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he addresses their sexual immorality. Often, we can fall into two categories regarding sex; either we become obsessed with it, or we regard it as shameful and useful only for procreation. Paul makes it clear that neither side provides a solid basis for fleeing sexual immorality. At the heart of this huge issue is knowing “you are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19b-20).
Jesus Forgave So We Can Forgive
We cannot merely look at the manifestation of sin in our lives. We must dig deeper to get to the root. We are all idolaters, adulterers, thieves and greedy. But in Christ, we have all been washed, sanctified and justified through his blood and through the Spirit.