Introduction to Romans
In order to grasp the transformational truths of Romans in the next year, we need to lay a strong foundation to hold everything together. Why was Romans written and what does it say? We’ll need to figure out why the Roman church needed to hear what Paul had to say and ask ourselves, “Is this our problem, too?” If so, knowing Paul’s message and hearing Paul’s answer 2,000 years later is still just as important as it was in 55 A.D.
Introduction to Romans
On Veritas’ 4th Anniversary, we start a new series delving into the depths of the Gospel revealed through the Book of Romans. As we start, it is our goal to not just talk about surface level facts from the book, but to dive deeply into what Paul intended to teach the church in Rome as well as what God means to teach us today. So why did Paul write Romans? What were the big problems facing their church? Do we share in those problems even 2,000 years later?