Keep Your Heart
A sermon based on Proverbs 4:20-27 by Garrison Greene, preached on July 24, 2016 at Veritas Short North as part of the “Wisdom” series.
Decision Making
A sermon based on Proverbs by Garrison Greene, preached on June 5, 2016 at Veritas West as part of the “Wisdom” series.
Repentance and Rioting in Ephesus
A sermon based on Acts 19:8-41 by Garrison Greene, preached on August 16th, 2015 at Veritas Short North as part of “The Book of Acts” series.
Inclusive Gospel
A sermon based on Acts 10-11:18 by Garrison Greene, preached on July 12th, 2015 at Veritas Short North as part of “The Book of Acts” series.
A sermon based on Psalm 19 by Garrison Greene, preached on June 28th, 2015 at Veritas West as part of the “Practical Theology” series.
Faithful Witnessing
A sermon based on Acts 8:26-40 by Garrison Greene, preached on May 3rd, 2015 at Veritas West as part of “The Book of Acts” series.
No Other Name
A sermon by Garrison Greene, preached on March 1st, 2015 at Veritas Short North as part of “The Book of Acts” series.
Learning To Be With Your Father
Prayer is something most of us want to do more, but often struggle so much with. In Jesus’ sermon on the mount, he address for us some common barriers to true prayer in our life, and reveals to us the path to true prayer. He tells us to address God as our Father, who deals with us tenderly and graciously, yet is a sovereign king that rules over everything.
Wrestling With God
In our text from this past Sunday we see Jacob encounter God, but in a way you might not expect. In this encounter, God comes and wrestles with Jacob while he is alone. Ultimately, God enters the scene to wrestle with Jacob in order to wound and bless him. And we see Jacob limp away from this encounter changed from a cheater to a transformed man, now identified by God instead of his past.