Worship Recap: Songs, Hymns and Spiritual Songs from April 28th, 2013
Welcome to the recap of the Veritas worship gathering on April 28th, 2013. Below are the songs and liturgy from our gathering.
Song: “Oh Great is Our God” by The Sing Team- Mars Hill
Reading: Call to Worship
Welcome to the Veritas worship gathering! Our gathering this morning begins with the premise that God has called us to worship him and that He is infinitely more worthy of worship than any other thing or being! Scripture has revealed to us a God who is all powerful, holy, and just, and at the same time gracious, loving and compassionate! We have seen this grace given to us by God himself in the person of Jesus Christ! So we gather this morning to remember the greatness of God, to respond to and celebrate the grace given to us in the gospel of Jesus Christ, by worshiping our Savior and to experience the continued presence of God in our lives as we worship God and encourage each other! I invite you to join with me in this call to worship by reading the underlined parts and allow God’s Spirit to call our hearts to his glory!
L: Our help is from God alone who made heaven and earth. We celebrate God’s presence and sing with thanksgiving!
C: How good it is to sing praise and give honor to our God!
L: Our God reclaims His people. The wandering ones are gathered together, the brokenhearted are healed, the hungry are fed, the prisoners are freed, the blind are given sight, the lonely are befriended.
C: How good it is to sing praise and give honor to our God!
L: All of nature sings aloud the goodness of God—clouds, rain, grass, creatures great and small. Our God creates and sustains our world with His ever-growing, never-ending love.
C: How good it is to sing praise and give honor to our God!
—Based on Psalm 147; 2 Peter 1:2; Adapted from The Worship Sourcebook
Song: “Praise To The Lord” by Citizens – Mars Hill
Reading: Confession/Assurance:
Join me in this prayer of confession as we repent of our sins before a glorious and gracious God.
L: All glory and honor belong to You, Creator God. We come before You as sinners in need of Your mercy and strength. Forgive us for seeking out comfort in the failing pleasures of this world. Forgive us for resting our hope on the shoulders of broken, empty things. Forgive us for doubting and rejecting Your great love.
C: It is only by the blood of Your Son Jesus that we are saved and sustained. May we acknowledge and receive the power of the cross of Christ as we humbly fall at Your throne of grace. Amen
Song: “Not In Me” by Words and Music by Eric Schumacher and David L. Ward
Passing of the Peace:
“My righteousness is Jesus’ life. My debt was paid by Jesus death. My weary load was borne by him, and He alone can give me rest.” What amazing words of assurance, of peace, and of rest! Jesus has given us life and rest and peace!! This is what we celebrate this morning. This is the gospel that we rejoice in!
Our Sermon this week was from Pastor Nick Nye from Luke 12: 22-34
Listen to the sermon online here.
Please read with me the underlined portion:
L: Jesus’ death brings us life and this meal reminds us that we are fed by Jesus and forgiven because of Jesus.
C: We rejoice that You have died, rose again, and are now with the Father advocating for us. Amen.
L: With our money, time, and talent we give generously, knowing that through Your Son, Jesus, You have generously given to us.
C: We rejoice that You have given everything and we joyfully give everything back to Your care. Amen.
Song: “It Is Well” by Deborah Criser and Horatio Gates Spafford
Song: “Be Thou My Vision” by Mary Elizabeth Byrne and Eleanor Henrietta Hull
::: Baptisms :::
At this point in our gatherings we celebrated baptisms. We absolutely love baptism sundays at Veritas and they are continually a time of great celebration for our church body. We had the joy of baptizing upwards of 12 people at all of our gatherings combined this week! It is a time and chance for someone to publicly proclaim their faith in following Jesus Christ as the Lord of their life. If you want to know more about baptism at Veritas then check out this link! Also check out a few photos of the baptisms as our church body sang our final song “In Christ Alone.”
Song: “In Christ Alone”
May the God of peace guard your hearts from the false and fading comforts of idols and may he lead you on to find true satisfaction in the blessings that only He can provide. Go now in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Peace be with you.
Hear this benediction as we go:
L: Peace be with you. C: And also with you.
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