Veritas Gathered: Liturgy Recap – May 5th, 2013

Welcome to the recap of the songs, hymns and spiritual song of the Veritas worship gathering on May 5th, 2013.

Below are the songs and liturgy readings from our gathering. We pray that this would encourage you and point you to the gospel as we continue in worship as a scattered community on mission.

Song: “Hail The King” by Citizens – Mars Hill

Reading: Call to Worship

We gather this morning, as the song we just sang says – to “rejoice in the glory of God!” This morning is not about us. Our focus, our end, our goal is the glory of God! To see it, to respond to it, to experience it and to have our lives shaped and changed by it! And the glory of God has been revealed to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ – that is why our celebration and gathering centers on the Gospel. So lets hear this call to worship and join with me in responding to a Holy and Great God!

L: Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
C: For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
L: In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.
C: Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!
—Psalm 95:1-6

Song: “Our Great God” by by Fernando Ortega and Mac Powell

Reading: Confession/Assurance:

This great God that we sing about is the One who gives us every good gift and created us to worship Him. But we distort those gifts and pervert them into what God has not intended and in that, we turn and worship anything and everything around us instead of God! Let’s cry out to the Lord for forgiveness as we rejoice in the grace that he has shown us!

L: O God, we can do nothing for ourselves—let the work of Jesus alone stand for us. We are full of sin. Our will is completely wrong. Our very nature is polluted. Our minds are full of perverse images; We fall into sin after sin. Without you, our imagination works against us, exploring the darkest places of our fallen nature.
C: Save us from the love of the world and the pride of life. Save us from our sinful lusts and desires. Give us new hearts that long for you and your Word. And let Christ’s nature be seen in us day by day. Amen.
– Adapted from the Valley of Vision

Lets sing together this prayer of confession, recognizing that nothing we do, good or bad, can earn us salvation, only the work of Jesus!

Song: “Not In Me” by Words and Music by Eric Schumacher and David L. Ward

Song: “All The Poor And Powerless” by Leslie Jordan and David Leonard

Passing of the Peace: 

We sing “HALLELUJAH” because of this good news:

L: We were once far away from God. We were his enemies, separated from Him by our evil thoughts and actions. Yet now He has reconciled us to Himself through the death of Christ in his physical body.
C: As a result, He has brought us into his own presence, and we are holy and blameless as we stand before Him without a single fault.
-adapted from Colossians 1:21-22

We have so much to be thankful for. In a spirit of gratitude and grace, let’s welcome each other today.

Our Sermon this week was from Pastor Nick Nye from Romans 8: 18-27

Listen to the sermon online here.

Song: “The Solid Rock” by William Batchelder Bradbury and Edward Mote

Song: “O Fount of Love” by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa

Reading: Commitment

Amen! Lets continue celebrating as we sing about the future hope of glory that we have to look forward to, the redemption of our bodies, life eternal with our Savior! The book of Philippians tells us this:

L: We are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.
C: All Glory to God our Father forever and ever. Amen!
– Based on Philippians 3:20-21

Song: “Absent From Flesh” by Jamie Barnes


Hear this benediction as we go:
May the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life bring you all joy and peace in believing so that you may abound in hope. Go in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

L: Peace be with you. C: And also with you.