Veritas Gathered: Preparing for Sunday – August 18th, 2013
This weeks sermon is based out of Romans 10: 14-15. What is our call as Christians to preach the word of God? Is preaching reserved only for pastors or is this a responsibility for all who claim to be Christians? Join us as we take a look at what it means, as a Christian, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Also, we are having baptisms this sunday, which is something you definitely want to be around for!
Our Call to Worship reading this week is an amazing reminder of Gods design and plan for his creation. Even though the world has fallen into sin and we are broken people in need of redemption, God is continually calling us back to himself and reminding us that we are in desperate need of Him. If we were designed to worship God could there possibly be anything better for us then to participate in that worship? Yes, we gather as a church body on sundays to corporately worship God through song, teaching, and fellowship but we encourage you to spend some time this week reflecting on how your life as a whole reflects this truth that you were created for the sole purpose to worship God.
L: Praise the LORD. It is so good to sing praises to our God, Praising him is beautiful, it’s how the world should be. The LORD builds up his people; he gathers them together out of exile. He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. This same God determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.
C: Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. Let’s sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make music to our God with instruments and voices. For he delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.
– Based on Psalms 147
Check out this list of some of the songs we will be singing together this week:
- “Gifted Response” – This song reminds us that it is God who calls us to worship Him because of his goodness and not our merit.
- “Oh God”- A song based out of the book of Romans, which reminds us of the unfailing nature of our God.
- “Bless The Lord”- A joyous song of celebration that lets us rejoice in the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf!
Here is a link to a Spotify playlist.
Even though our arrangements might be slightly different, listen through these songs and see the great truths that they speak about our God and then come prepared to sing them out loudly and joyfully as a gathered church.
See you Sunday!
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