Veritas Gathered: Liturgy Recap – July 6, 2014

Welcome to the recap of the songs, hymns and spiritual song of the Veritas worship gathering on July 6, 2014

Wrestling with God [GENESIS 32:22-32] GENESIS: The Gospel According to Jacob

Song: “All Creatures Of Our God And King”


As we gather, my prayer is that we would pursue knowing and seeing God, that we would celebrate his glory and his gospel.   God has revealed himself to us and called us to seek after him!

Song: “You Alone

L: O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. No pagan god is like you, O Lord. None can do what you do!

C: All the nations you made will come and bow before you, Lord; they will praise your holy name. For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God.

L: Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.

C: With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God. I will give glory to your name forever, for your love for me is very great. You have rescued me from the depths of death.

– Psalm 89: 5, 8-13


As we are shown by the Holy Spirit, the infinite glory of God, we see in our lives the many foolish things that we value and worship instead of God.

L: Gracious God, We are guilty of rejecting you, our Maker. We have loved the works of our hands and despised the One from whose hands we were made.

C: Show us the fullness of our sin and lift up our wandering eyes to Jesus.

L: For our rebellion, Jesus was pierced. For our sins, he was crushed. He was beaten to make us whole. He was torn so that we could be healed. For our weakness, he carried the burden of the cross. He bore all our sins to take rebels and make us righteous.

C: We confess our sins and recognize our need for your mercy, O God. By your grace, return our hearts to Jesus, our Savior King. Strengthen us with faith to believe and cause our hearts to rest in the salvation you have given us. Amen.

-Based on Isaiah 53

Song: “Fix My Eyes’

Song: “Our Treasure”


Christ, through his death on our behalf and his resurrection to new life, has brought us peace with our creator God, and each other!


Our Sermon was from Garrison Greene on GENESIS 32:22-32


L: Jesus’ death brings us life and this meal reminds us that we are fed by Jesus and forgiven because of Jesus.

C: We rejoice that You have died, have risen, and are now with the Father advocating for us. Amen.

L: With our money, time, and talent we give generously, knowing that through Your Son, Jesus, You have generously given to us.

C: We rejoice that You have given everything and we joyfully give everything back to Your care. Amen.

Song: “It Is Well”

Song: “Blessed Be Your Name”

To say that something is Blessed, is to say that it is consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified: worthy of adoration, worthy of reverence, or worthy of worship. 

No matter what may come in this life, the good and the bad, Blessed be the glorious name of God who has saved our souls and saved us into his Kingdom which will soon be fully revealed to us!


L: People of God – do not lose heart! For we know that God, who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead, will raise us also with Jesus and bring us into his glorious presence. For this light momentary suffering is renewing us and preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen on this earth, which are fading, but to the things that are unseen which are eternal. And we are citizens of heaven, that which is yet unseen, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return as our Savior.

C: With his glorious power, he will take our weak, mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like His own, and we will be in his glorious presence forever! All Glory be to God our Father forever and ever. Amen!

– based on 2 Corinthians 4:14-18 and Philippians 3:20-21

We celebrate our future home with Christ, knowing that the Love of God and the work of Jesus Christ will hold us secure till his return

Song: “Absent From Flesh”


Because of Christ’s resurrection, we have the hope and promise of eternal life. As we go, may that truth sink deep into our hearts and may we live in worship of our Risen Savior, to the glory of God the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Peace be with you.