
Background Submission & Interview

Last Updated: August 3, 2016 Contact: Katie Chow


Application submitted on Wufoo ____________.

Interview Notes

Interviewed by:



Testimony- was the gospel communicated?


Prior experience with kids- how long, what ages?


Knowledge of anything preventing person from working with Veritas Kids?




In a community group?


Gathering time attended?


Serving preferences- time, age group, team?


Serving with other ministries?


On planning center?


On the city?


Presented with volunteer handbook?


Reference Notes

Reference contacted:

Date contacted:

Contacted by:

Relationship to applicant:


Have you been with ______ before when they have been around children? How do they do with kids? Do you know of any reason why they should be prevented from working with Veritas Kids?


Do you consider ______ to be committed to their own personal relationship with Jesus? Are they committed to Veritas Community Church (invested in the community, consistently attending gatherings/ community group, serving in other ministries, etc.)?


Application complete _____________

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