Is Veritas Open and Affirming?
Last Updated: July 26, 2016 Contact: Brad SnyderAt Veritas everyone is welcome to come and hear the gospel about a God who pursues us by loving grace. His grace calls us to “come as we are,” but by his grace no one who he calls remains as they were. In other words we gladly welcome anyone and everyone to our community regardless of background, race, socio-economic status, sin struggle, sexual life style, etc. with no prejudice or special treatment… just as sinners (like all of us) who are in need of grace and transformation. Everyone, is loved and cared for at Veritas.
We see this love displayed perfectly in the gospel we find in the Bible: that we are all rebellious and seek to find our identity through innumerable idols (money, sexual orientation, pride, alcohol, success, and a million other) but rather than leaving us to settle for our own sin and destruction, God became man and lived a perfect life for all of us and died to forgive our sin. When we repent, and turn from ourselves and toward Jesus we receive radical undeserved grace to be forgiven and in relationship with God… no matter our past!
Jesus loves us so much that he pursues us in all of our sin, but never affirms any lifestyle or practice that he died to forgive us of and deliver us from. So we do believe that living in homosexuality is a sin, but one that is no different than any other. We call everyone who worships at Veritas to a pursue a lifestyle of repentance and gospel transformation… and to the incredible joy that following Jesus brings.
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