Last Updated: January 3, 2019 Contact: Geoff DavisThese are the values that reflect the kind of culture we are striving to cultivate at Veritas.
- When interacting with someone, interact only with them.
- Relationally engage in your ministry and life.
- Don’t be ruled by expediency; rather do things together.
- Don’t use people to do ministry; rather people are the ministry.
Necessary Behaviors:
- Use eye contact.
- Don’t use tech during meetings; use only the necessary tech.
- Listen well to actually hear what they are saying, not just to respond.
- Say what you mean; mean what you say.
- Honestly say what you need to say without nuancing it too much.
Necessary Behaviors:
- Be honest.
- Define uncertain terms.
- As a listener, take responsibility to ask questions when unclear.
- Use language and terms that are consistent across the congregations.
- Be faithful to what you’ve committed to so others know what to expect from you.
- Relationally persevere.
- Stick to what is valued and of primary importance.
Necessary Behaviors:
- Follow through with communication and fulfill what you’ve agreed to.
- Recognize inconsistencies in yourself and in your teams to help correct them.
- Consider other’s interests first.
- Be open to feedback and being wrong.
- Seek to understand rather than to first be understood.
- Do not seek the spotlight, power, or control.
Necessary Behaviors:
- Do what needs to be done for the good of the church as a whole (even above, beyond, or below your job descriptions).
- Do not act as though entitled.
- Be patient.
- Show kindness to imperfect people with the expectation that Jesus is at work.
- Do not excuse sin or failure, yet don’t be surprised when it happens.
- Walk alongside people through sin and failure.
- Be available to each other, even when not deserved.
Necessary Behaviors:
- Forgive people when they wrong you.
- Think the best of others and don’t jump to anger and frustration when things go wrong.
- Support each other to take risks, to try things, even if it fails.
- Recognize the work of God in people’s lives and give them the courage to trust him.
- Intentionally build each other up in love and unity.
- Actively celebrate how people are gifted and how God is using them.
Necessary Behaviors:
- Don’t just look at negative aspects, but seek to see the good in things as well.
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