Tri-City Sermon
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on Ephesians 2:19-22, preached on November 14th, 2021 for the Tri-City congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of sermon series called “The Mystery of Reconciliation.”
Short North Sermon
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on Ephesians 2:1-10, preached on October 17th, 2021 for the Short North congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of sermon series called “Made Alive.”
Short North Sermon 10.18.20
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on Hebrews 4:12-13, preached on October 18th, 2020 for the Short North congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of sermon series called “Substance over Shadow.”
One Gospel
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on 1 John 5:13-20, preached on August 9th, 2020 for the Short North congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of sermon series called “One Life.”
One Command
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on 1 John 2:7-17, preached on June 21, 2020 for all congregations of Veritas Community Church as part of sermon series called “One Life.”
Short North Sermon 7.15.18
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, preached on July 15, 2018 at Veritas Short North as part of the sermon series on Matthew.
From the Overflow of the Heart the Mouth Speaks
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on Matthew 12:33-37, preached on June 17, 2018 at Veritas Short North as part of the sermon series on Matthew.
Trusting Your Heavenly Father
A sermon by Geoff Davis based on Matthew 6:25-34, preached on November 26, 2017 at Veritas Short North as part of the sermon series on Matthew.
Fear and Anxiety
A sermon by Geoff Davis preached on July 16, 2017 at Veritas Tri-Village as part of a sermon series on fear.
Fear and Anxiety
A sermon by Geoff Davis preached on July 9, 2017 at Veritas Short North as part of a sermon series on fear.