I AM: The Bread of Life
In this sermon, we look at the events after Jesus feeds the masses. As the crowds figure out that hanging out with Jesus comes with a free meal, they decide to find him again for some more handouts. Being Jesus, he reveals to them that their longings go far deeper than their appetites. God provides the true bread, Jesus Christ himself. Jesus carries the metaphor all the way proclaiming that in order for them to have eternal life they must eat his flesh and drink his blood. All of this pointing to Jesus’ death on the cross and our life through partaking in his death.
Anniversary Special: The Gospel Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
As Veritas celebrates its first year as a Church, we are again reminded of what binds us together as a church, the Gospel; the death of Christ, his resurrection, and our response to his gift. Without the gospel, we lose everything. No Gospel, no Veritas.
I Love the Church
Nick brings this series to a personal level in the closing sermon. In this sermon, Nick explains several reasons why he personally loves Veritas and leaves us with a charge to dive in and make Veritas more than just a place to come on Sundays.
Being the Church
The Church is so much more than a place to visit on Sunday’s. We are called to be so much more than spectators in God’s plan. God has personally called us on mission to love and serve those around us in our neighborhoods, communities, jobs, and cities. Here the notion of church as a static entity that simply comes to gather is completely challenged in light of God’s plan to scatter the church as an extension of his personal love to others, through us.
Thinking Globally, Living Locally
As of recent, there has been much confusion as to exactly what the term “church” actually describes in the Bible. Far too often these arguments simply turn out to be a reaction to their dislike of their church growing up. Rather than continue the back and forth cycle, we look at scripture to give us clarity on what the church really is; from God’s master plan to display the magnificence of his wisdom through the person of Christ to the entire world, to the local expression of this work in a gathered body of people.