Veritas Gathered: Preparing for Sunday – October 27th, 2013


This weeks sermon is taken from Romans 14:1-12.  How often do we feel the pain that comes from passing judgement? Not only can it be painful to receive judgement from others but it often can be just as harmful to the one passing judgement. It leads us into a place of bitterness, disappointment, and downright cruelty. The Bible has some pretty weighty things to say about this subject. Often we can turn this into an issue of morality and ethics but join us to hear what the Gospel says about it.


Each week at Veritas we, as a body of believers, read a communion and giving reading.  This always follows there sermon and allows us to have an intentional time to respond to what the Holy Spirit was speaking though the preaching of God’s word. With anything that is repetitious it is easy to lose sight of the immense importance of it over time.  Please spend some time this week, as you prepare to gather with us on sunday, reflecting on these words that we say out loud each and every week.  There is so much that is central to our beliefs as followers of Christ in these two readings and the truths that they state are nothing short of life giving.

L: Jesus’ death brings us life and this meal reminds us that we are fed by Jesus and forgiven because of Jesus.
C: We rejoice that You have died, have risen, and are now with the Father advocating for us. Amen.

L: With our money, time, and talent we give generously, knowing that through Your Son, Jesus, You have generously given to us.
C: We rejoice that You have given everything and we joyfully give everything back to Your care. Amen.



Check out this list of some of the songs we will be singing together this week:

  • “Oh! Great Is Our God” – a joyful song of praise to our great and glorious God!
  • “Thy Mercy, My God” – a beautiful hymn that celebrates the vast and often overwhelming mercy of our gracious and loving God.
  • “The Love of God” – How great it is to gather and proclaim, through song, the gospel truths that describe our God’s love for us!

Here is a link to a Spotify playlist.

Even though our arrangements might be slightly different, listen through these songs and see the great truths that they speak about our God and then come prepared to sing them out loudly and joyfully as a gathered church.

See you Sunday!