Veritas Gathered: Preparing for Sunday, November 30th


This weeks sermon text is Jude 1:22-23 at Short North and Luke 13 at Tri-Village. Join us as we continue in our series of “The Problem of Pain”. This week Short North will focus  on Doubt, Tri-Village will focus on Tragedy, Death, and Illness. This is a struggle that we all have at different points in our walk. Please join us as we tackle this important topic and find what God says about it in his Word.


This weeks commitment reading:

L: Christ, our divine Redeemer, Your goodness is plainly seen in our redemption, How you became sin for us, and conquered all of our enemies.
C: Your strength is seen in how you endured the extremes of God’s wrath, and erased our failure to live up to God’s standards. Your love is seen in your resurrection, in your sacred wounds, erasing every fear and every doubt.
L: Now, our King and Conqueror, you’ve ascended to heaven, crowned and enthroned, praying for us, protecting us and providing for us by the power of your Spirit until the time comes for you to receive us there.

C: May we live in faith and repentance as we glorify you in all things. Amen.


Check out this list of some of the songs we will be singing together this week:

  • “Made Alive” –  An upbeat anthem that allows us to declare the new life that we have through and in Christ.
  • “Bless the Lord” –  A joyous song of celebration that lets us rejoice in the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf!
  • “O Fount of Love” –  This is a gospel saturated song of praise and thanks.

Here is a link to a Spotify playlist.

Even though our arrangements might be slightly different, listen through these songs and see the great truths that they speak about our God and then come prepared to sing them out loudly and joyfully as a gathered church.